Skincare 101

Every question you have probably had about skincare.

Why is skincare important?

You most likely learned in school that the skin is the largest organ of the body. It serves as the first line of defense to the outside world.  We have to take care of it and keep it healthy.

What are some examples of a good skincare regimen?

  1. Cleanser: It is of utmost importance to find a cleanser made for your skin. For example, if you have dry skin, you will want to avoid cleansers that include alcohol. If your skin tends to be more oily, avoid oil-based cleansers. Always gently remove cleanser with a warm water.

  2. Toner: The purpose of toner is to soothe the skin and restore nutrients after cleansing. This is usually not rinsed off.

  3. Moisturizer: I cannot stress enough how important moisturizer is. No matter your skin type, applying moisturizer every time your face comes in contact with water is necessity. However, if your skin is oily, an oil-free type is best.

  4. Sunscreen: (Insert the sound of a siren here) Suncreen is a product no one should shy away from or not use. It should be used daily even on cloudy or rainy days…Why, you may ask? Because the rays from the sun affect your skin no matter if there are clouds, fog, rain, etc. Also, may moisturizers protect against blue light damage from screen use. Be sure to pick an SPF of 30 or more. Mary Kay’s moisturizer comes in SPF and non-SPF versions.

  5. Exfoliator: Extra exfoliators can be used in addition to your cleanser if not already included. Should you use a separate exfoliator, use between the cleanser and the serum if you use one and/or the moisturizer. Exfoliation is important to conduct gently to prevent damage and to gently remove dry and dead skill cells. It will also help with acne. Extra exfoliators such as Mary Kay’s Microdermabrasion Plus Set should be used no more than twice weekly. (I use this set on Wednesday’s and Sunday’s because those are church days and easy for me to remember.

  6. Serum: Serums target specific issues. Mary Kay has serums to target redness, uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, and more. (My go to favorites are the Timewise Repair Anti-Aging Serum and the Serum C+E). It is important to note that serums can be applied individually or you can combine them in the palm of your hand prior to application. Serums should always be applied before your moisturizer so that your skin absorbs more and you will get maximum benefits.

Does the brand of skincare matter?

Yes. Having a good skincare routine is only as good as the quality of products you use. Good quality products can improve skin quality in the present as well as the future. They also can prevent wrinkles and correct them in some instances. Poor quality products are ineffective and have the ability to harm your skin leaving temporary to permanent damage.

What are the benefits of using quality skincare products?

  1. Quality Ingredients: Think of the benefits healthy food or exercise provides your body. Quality skincare ingredients have the same effects on your skin. They improve the quality of your skin leaving it healthier, feeling amazing, and looking great.

  2. Protection from environmental damage: We all know the sun damages our skin, but did you know there are other environmental factors that can damage your skin? For example. I live in Shelby County, Alabama. There are 3 coal-fired power plants surrounding or located within the county. The plants are outdated and bypassed requirements of the Clean Air Act by promising to close “soon” which lead to them being “grandfathered” in avoiding cleaning up their emissions. Instead of closing, they continue releasing hazardous pollutants into our air. The 3 power plants released 75% of the mercury found in Shelby County’s air in 2007 and ranked in the “30 Dirtiest Power Plants” in the nation. The mercury, ozone, and particle pollution from the plants cause respiratory illness, disease, skin damage and exacerbate existing conditions. If you are curious about the location in which you live, you can find out more information where I obtained my information ~

  3. Fight Aging Effects: Quality skincare fights wrinkles, sun spots, some even fight melasma.

  4. Results vs. Cost: While quality skincare may cost more money, the benefits are worth it. It is investing in your skincare just as if you were investing in a healthier you with diet and/or exercise.

  5. Exceeding the Standards: Quality skincare products are more concentrated, pure, and free of bacteria and impurities.

What can happen if I use poor quality skincare products?

  1. Ineffective results

  2. Skin infections

  3. Allergic reactions including rashes

  4. Worsening of skin problems such as clogged pores, acne breakouts, eczema, psoriasis, etc.

Contact Me

To learn more about the importance of a good quality skincare regimen as well as products that would benefit you, make an appointment today for a FREE consultation with Kimberley. I am dedicated to providing you with personalized, quality care.

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